So where to begin... it's the end of the year.2009, what a year... well it was ok for me at least. I finally finished school and started college. Although I'm loving college life, I'm not too sure about my course choice. Why I choose a business course I will never understand, my business teachers reaction to the news I would be doing it in college was ''Good joke'', which pretty much sums it up. I've always wanted to pursue something media related yet here I am supposed to be studying with ''The principles of Economics'' lying open in front of me. This just isn't me at all. It's like getting a chess player to play in a rugby match. But enough about this year I'm supposed to be talking about 2009. I've had some good moments - getting serenaded by an elderly polish man, threatened to be suspended from school for producing t-shirts declaring my friend to be of a homosexual persuasion, oxgen in general, my first holiday away without parents ( many a good night was had). I'm just glad I've got the leaving cert out of the way and I don't have to go through that again, although I didn't really take it seriously, it was still very stressful at the time.
Anyway I'm beginning to ramble as usual so I'll move onto what I hope to accomplish this year, in bulletpoint form so as to prevent the aforementioned rambling:
- Go interailing
- Attend as many music festivals/ gigs as humanly possible
- Find a college course I actually enjoy
- Find a girlfriend and have a steady realationship*
- Get a job
- Write blog posts more often
- Learn to cook something other than Sandwhich le tayto.
Anyway folks I'm off this. Hopefully you won't have to wait a year for my next post.
Au Revoir
- Craig