Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First Blog Post.

Hello world.
This here is my first blog post and to be quite honest I have no idea what to write about.
I could attempt most likely unsuccesfully to try and explain the utter pandemonium that goes on inside my head but if I were to suceed I would most likely be arrested.
How typical of me, Still in my introduction and I've already got myself in trouble.Woopsies.

I think perhaps I will start with what I have been up to recently.

Well over the past few days I have done... well nothing really. I should be studying for my leaving cert, but I just lack the motivation. Bet you haven't heard that one before.
Its just around the corner and I know that doing well in this will give me a serious advantage in later life and I will get into a good college yada yada yada,on the other hand I could just browse the internet for several hours looking at funny cat pictures and the like.
Obviously I went with the second option.

Actually come to think of it I did do something recently.
Me and my friends thought it would be a great idea to go camping, our heads filled with positive images of the latest skins as we set out that day, bags filled with cheap beer and tents.
We anticipated a great night, how wrong we were. For some strange reason it never once occured to me that I do live in ireland and yes it does tend to be cold and rain in mid april.
The night started great, beer was flowing and laughs were plentiful, then the rain set in so we decided to head into our respective tents, then it occured to us that there was three tents for fifteen people(There was originally four but we thought it was a great idea for some strange reasoning to hurl one of the tents into the fire)

So then there was five of us cramped into one tent, wet and cold for the rest of the night.

Oh the joys of camping...